No series of CUDA® tutorials is complete without a section on GEMM (GEneral Matrix Multiplication). Arguably the most important routine on modern GPUs, GEMM constitutes the majority of compute done in neural networks, large language models, and many graphics applications. Despite its ubiquity, GEMM is notoriously hard to implement efficiently.
This 3-part tutorial series aims to equip readers with a thorough understanding of how to write efficient GEMM kernels on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs using the CUTLASS library.
- [Part 1, this one] discusses the warpgroup matrix-multiply-accumulate (WGMMA) instructions. These are the primitive instructions that target the Tensor Core of NVIDIA GPUs based on the Hopper architecture.
- [Part 2] will discuss the overall design of an efficient GEMM kernel, including advanced techniques used in CUTLASS kernels such as warp-specialization and ping-pong scheduling.
- [Part 3] will discuss persistent kernels and Stream-K, a load-balancing strategy for GEMM that achieves state-of-the-art efficiency across a vast number of problem geometries.
The big picture. The 3 parts in our series loosely follow the entire development process of a GEMM kernel, but “inward-out”. First, we have the tilewise GEMM primitive that calls the Tensor Cores to ultimately do the computation. Second, we have the GEMM kernel design as seen “per CTA” — consisting of a prologue, mainloop, and epilogue — where the main challenge is to not bottleneck the fast Tensor Cores on memory loads. Lastly, we have the scheduling of CTAs at the outermost grid level, where load-balancing considerations rise to the forefront.
We hope that after going through this series, readers will become experts on the GEMM algorithm, and can utilize some of the beautiful ideas that go into this algorithm to design and implement other kernels in their own work.
Asynchronous Warpgroup MMA (WGMMA)
Hopper introduces the asynchronous warpgroup-level matrix multiply and accumulate operation (WGMMA). A warpgroup consists of four contiguous warps, i.e., 128 contiguous threads, where the warp-rank of the first warp is a multiple of four. The wgmma.mma_async
instruction is executed collectively by all 128 threads in a warpgroup. This operation typically follows one of these forms, where matrix C
serves as the accumulator:
C = A * B + C
C = A * B
, where the input from accumulatorC
is disabled.
A notable requirement of WGMMA is that operand B
must always be stored in shared memory (SMEM). In contrast, operand A
can be located in either SMEM or register memory (RMEM), and the accumulator C
is always held in RMEM.
This blog post is organized as follows. First, we discuss the essentials for invoking the wgmma.mma_async
instruction in CUTLASS. This involves constructing the relevant TiledMMA
object, as well as creating and partitioning the SMEM tensors in order to be compatible with WGMMA. Second, we discuss the synchronization mechanisms necessary to ensure the correctness of WGMMA. Finally, we discuss in greater detail the layouts used in WGMMA, including the concept of core matrices and matrix descriptors for operands sourced from SMEM.
Throughout, for the sake of concision we will abbreviate wgmma.mma_async
as wgmma
. Our main code reference will be the CUTLASS wgmma tutorial contributed by Pradeep Ramani, which was added in the 3.5.1 release.
WGMMA inside a CUTLASS kernel
Our main goal in this tutorial is to explain the wgmma
primitives for calling the Hopper Tensor Cores to do tile-based GEMM, and how to invoke it as part of a cute::gemm
call. To set the stage, consider a standard GEMM kernel that takes input matrices A
and B
with dimensions MxNxK
and computes C=A*B
. To parallelize the computation, the kernel fixes static tile sizes bM
, bN
, and bK
and launches a grid of ⌈M/bM⌉x⌈N/bN⌉
many CTAs, with each CTA computing a bMxbN
tile rC
of the output matrix. This will be held in the CTAs’ RMEM before being written back to the global C
Per CTA, we then have the kernel’s mainloop. Over ⌈K/bK⌉
many iterations, we loop over the inner dimension and successively load in bMxbK
and bNxbK
tiles of A
and B
from global into shared memory as sA
and sB
; note that in CUTLASS, we fix the shape of sB
to be the transpose of what it is mathematically. (In fact, mirroring common practice, we load tiles of A
and B
into circular SMEM buffers, where the number of stages is given by a compile-time integer such as 2 or 3. The last mode of the shape tuples for sA
and sB
is then given by this stage count.) The cute::gemm
call then computes the product of (stagewise slices of) sA
and sB
and successively accumulates the value into rC
. After the mainloop completes, the epilogue then writes out rC
to global memory.
Now, we wish to explain the following cute::gemm
call and the arguments that go into it, as they appear in the following code snippet that we selectively extract from the wgmma tutorial (hiding the parts of the program not relevant for us, like the pipelined TMA loads):
template <class TiledMMA, ... >
__global__ device_gemm(TiledMMA tiled_mma, ...) {
// ...
// Define A/B partitioning and C accumulators
ThrMMA thr_mma = tiled_mma.get_thread_slice(threadIdx.x);
Tensor tCsA = thr_mma.partition_A(sA); // (MMA,MMA_M,MMA_K,PIPE)
Tensor tCsB = thr_mma.partition_B(sB); // (MMA,MMA_N,MMA_K,PIPE)
Tensor tCgC = thr_mma.partition_C(gC); // (MMA,MMA_M,MMA_N)
// Allocate accumulators and clear them
Tensor tCrC = thr_mma.make_fragment_C(tCgC); // (MMA,MMA_M,MMA_N)
// Allocate "fragments"
Tensor tCrA = thr_mma.make_fragment_A(tCsA); // (MMA,MMA_M,MMA_K,PIPE)
Tensor tCrB = thr_mma.make_fragment_B(tCsB); // (MMA,MMA_N,MMA_K,PIPE)
while (k_tile_count > -K_PIPE_MAX) {
// ...
// MMAs to cover 1 K_TILE
// (V,M,K) x (V,N,K) => (V,M,N)
cute::gemm(tiled_mma, tCrA(_,_,_,read_pipe), tCrB(_,_,_,read_pipe), tCrC);
// Wait for all MMAs in a K_TILE to complete
// ...
// ...
In the CUTLASS paradigm for MMA, the cute::gemm
method is designed to expose architecture-specific MMA instructions via a uniform interface. (Indeed, if you examine the SM80 tutorial GEMM kernel, you’ll see that the cute::gemm
call there is syntactically identical to that given above.) However, the definitions of the arguments involved in the cute::gemm
call involve many WGMMA-specific aspects:
- The definition of the
encapsulates the information needed forcute::gemm
to dispatch to a specificwgmma
PTX instruction. - The layouts of the SMEM tensors
must be defined to be compatible withwgmma
. - The fragments
, andtCrC
are constructed as thread-level partitions of the data using theTiledMMA
object, and as such have WGMMA-specific layouts that the programmer should be aware of. - The fragments
(if sourcing operandA
from SMEM) andtCrB
aren’t register-backed tensors whose values are copied from SMEM, but rather matrix descriptors constructed on top of SMEM.
Finally, of course there are the warpgroup synchronization primitives surrounding the cute::gemm
call. We will explain all of these concepts in turn.
TiledMMA object for WGMMA
In what follows, suppose the datatype is FP16, and A
and B
are MN
-major, so in BLAS notation we are computing a NT gemm. We construct the TiledMMA
object on host using the cute::make_tiled_mma
method as follows:
TiledMMA tiled_mma = cute::make_tiled_mma(
Though cute::make_tiled_mma
also has some optional arguments, let’s focus on the one at hand — the MMA Atom. This is a struct that wraps an underlying PTX call, which in this case is:
The CUTLASS notation is such that one can immediately read off the relationship between the wrapped PTX instruction and the MMA atom. Firstly, SM90 is a different name for the Hopper architecture. SM90 MMA atoms are then labeled as SM90_MxNxK_XYZ_SS
or SM90_MxNxK_XYZ_RS
, with two template parameters that can be either GMMA::Major::MN
or GMMA::Major::K
. Their meanings are as follows:
are the datatypes of the operands.Z
is the datatype of the accumulator.MxNxK
are the tile sizes that thewgmma
instruction computes with — the “wgmma atom”. Not all values ofMxNxK
are possible. Here is the list of allowed shapes:M
is always 64,N
is a multiple of 8 from 8 to 256, and for 16-bit operand datatype,K
is 16 (more generally,K
is fixed to be 32 bytes).- The suffix
indicates whether operandA
is sourced from registers (R
) or shared memory (S
). OperandB
is always sourced from shared memory, hence theS
. - The two template parameters indicate whether operands
are memory-contiguous in theMN
mode orK
mode. For example, in BLAS notations, the operands both beingK
-major would correspond to a TN gemm (cf. this table). Note that for 16-bit operand datatypes, one has flexibility with the memory layouts being eitherMN
-major orK
-major. However, for non 16-bit operand datatypes, the layout must always beK
That’s it for the syntax you need to know for the MMA Atom! Now, we’ve emphasized that WGMMA is a warpgroup-wide instruction. In code, you can retrieve the number of threads participating in the MMA operation defined by the TiledMMA object using its size. For example, the following host code
dim3 dimBlock(cute::size(tiled_mma));
stipulates that each CTA in the kernel launches with 1 warpgroup of 128 threads.
Suppose instead that we wanted 2 warpgroups to execute the WGMMA, with separate warpgroups computing halves of the output tile independently (and each issuing their individual wgmma
instructions). To do this, we can pass a non-trivial layout (the AtomLayoutMNK
) to the make_tiled_mma
method as its second argument. For example, the following code
TiledMMA tiled_mma = make_tiled_mma(
defines a WGMMA operation where warpgroup 1 and 2 compute the upper and lower halves of the output tile as divided along the M
mode (now assuming that bM
is a multiple of 128). Moreover, size(tiled_mma)
would then equal 256.
In general, the two optional layout arguments to make_tiled_mma
— AtomLayoutMNK
and PermutationMNK
— work the same for any MMA Atom. For understanding the uses of PermutationMNK
, we recommend Cris Cecka’s excellent explanation.
SMEM layout constraints for WGMMA
Next, we explain the constraints on the tile sizes and layouts for operand matrices in SMEM given the choice of MMA atom. First, as for any MMA instruction, the MxNxK
of the MMA atom needs to divide into that of the operand and accumulator tiles. In our case, this means that bM
should be a multiple of 64, bN
a multiple of 64, and bK
a multiple of 16.
Second, there is an additional constraint specifically imposed by WGMMA on the SMEM layouts for sA
and sB
(both shape and stride), and this constraint varies as a function of the chosen swizzling mode. In particular, the layout for (the stagewise slice of) sA
is not simply (bM,bK):(1,bM)
or (bM,bK):(bK,1)
in general, and likewise for sB
To understand these requirements in depth, one needs the concept of core matrices, which we will introduce below. However, as a practical matter, we can always construct layouts guaranteed to be compatible with wgmma
using certain pre-defined layout atoms provided by CUTLASS, followed by the cute::tile_to_shape
method. In our example, we prepare tile sizes and sA
, sB
on host as follows (with T=cutlass::half_t
which is CUTLASS’s name for FP16):
auto bM = Int<128>{};
auto bN = Int<128>{};
auto bK = Int< 64>{};
auto bP = Int< 3>{}; // Pipeline
auto sA = cute::tile_to_shape(
cute::make_shape(bM, bK, bP)
auto sB = cute::tile_to_shape(
cute::make_shape(bN, bK, bP)
Here, MN
indicates that the layout atom is suitable for MN
-major operand, and SW128
is the 128 byte swizzle mode. Printing out sA
or sB
Sw<3,4,3> o smem_ptr[16b](unset) o ((_64,_2),(_8,_8),_3):((_1,_512),(_64,_1024),_8192)
Where does this layout come from? cute::tile_to_shape
takes a layout (the eponymous tile) and replicates it to tile over a larger shape (akin to numpy.tile
). Putting aside the swizzle function Sw<3,4,3>
, we have that the layout atom is given by (64,8):(1,64)
and is tiled over the shape (128, 64, 3)
in column-major fashion, so for the MxK
shape, the smaller outer stride of 512
lies in the M
mode, while the larger outer stride of 1024
lies in the K
mode. (The largest stride of 8192
lies in the stagecount P
mode, which makes sense, since different stagewise slices of sA
or sB
shouldn’t be commingled in memory.)
Note that 64
times sizeof(half_t)
equals 128 bytes, which is the swizzle mode’s name. This is by design: because of how core matrices work, we always arrange for the length of the layout atom in the contiguous direction to equal the number of swizzle bytes — either 16
for no-swizzle, or one of 32
, 64
, or 128
In contrast, if we considered:
auto sA = cute::tile_to_shape(
auto sB = cute::tile_to_shape(
then printing sA
would give us
Sw<3,4,3> o smem_ptr[16b](unset) o (_128,_64,_3):(_64,_1,_8192)
since we instead tile (8,64):(64,1)
over (128,64,3)
. (Note that the layout ((_8,_16),(_64,_1),_3):((_64,_512),(_1,_0),_8192)
coalesces down to (_128,_64,_3):(_64,_1,_8192)
In general, we can choose among 8
possibilities for layout atoms, which correspond to either MN
or K
-major and one of four swizzle modes:
- No swizzle: No swizzling. Implicit 16-byte boundary.
- 32-byte swizzle: Swizzling 2 consecutive 16-byte segments.
- 64-byte swizzle: Swizzling 4 consecutive 16-byte segments.
- 128-byte swizzle: Swizzling 8 consecutive 16-byte segments.
The layout atoms are defined here in the CUTLASS codebase as:
These layout atoms must then be passed into tile_to_shape
with the SMEM shape for sA
and sB
given by make_shape(bM,bK,bP)
or make_shape(bN,bK,bP)
, with the modes of the shape given in that order, such that the tile sizes of the layout atoms divide into those of the larger SMEM shape. This is ultimately a constraint on the SMEM shape caused by the choice of swizzling mode, and is separate from the other constraint imposed by the MMA atom shape.
WGMMA Fragments and Descriptors
We’ve created the TiledMMA
object and prepared accordingly the SMEM layouts on host. Now, on device we can use the TiledMMA
object tiled_mma
to construct the appropriate partitioned tensors to be passed into the cute::gemm
call. First, we create a ThrMMA
object called thr_mma
by invoking the get_thread_slice
method on tiled_mma
with the thread index, which runs inclusively from 0
to 127
in our case.
Then, with reference to the kernel code snippet above, printing the tensors tCsA
and tCsB
for any thread index shows the following:
tCsA: Sw<3,4,3>_smem_ptr[16b](0x7f8800000400) o
tCsB: Sw<3,4,3>_smem_ptr[16b](0x7f880000c400) o
As per the comment, the shape of tCsA
should be thought of as (MMA,MMA_M,MMA_K,PIPE)
is theNxK
shape of the MMA Atom.MMA_M
are the extents of its tiling across theM
modes ofsA
(so thatMMA_M=bM/64=2
is the number of stages.
The strides and swizzle mode carry over from sA
. The WGMMA-specific thing to notice here is that tCsA
isn’t actually a thread-level slice of SMEM, but rather the entire SMEM tensor with a reorganized layout.
Next, printing the “fragments” tCrA
and tCrB
for any thread index shows:
tCrA: GMMA::DescriptorIterator o (_1,_2,_4,_3):(_0,_64,_256,_1024)
tCrB: GMMA::DescriptorIterator o (_1,_2,_4,_3):(_0,_64,_256,_1024)
Internally, CUTLASS constructs a “matrix descriptor“, which is 64-bit value held in registers that describes the SMEM in a way suitable for use by the wgmma
instruction. For the programmer, the most important thing to bear in mind is that values of SMEM are not copied into RMEM; rather, accessing the values of tCrA
and tCrB
instead accesses these 64-bit descriptors. Moreover, these tensors being “iterators” means that only the single 64-bit descriptor used for a given wgmma
instruction is held in registers at a time (e.g., as opposed to all 24 of them).
In contrast to the operands, the accumulator tensors are defined in a more standard fashion. Printing out tCgC
and tCrC
for thread 0 shows:
tCgC: gmem_ptr[16b](0x7f877a780000) o ((_2,_2,_8),_2,_2):((512,_8,4096),_64,32768)
tCrC: ptr[16b](0x7feee1fffbe0) o ((_2,_2,_8),_2,_2):((_1,_2,_4),_32,_64)
is the slice of the output GMEM tensor that we want to copy the accumulator’s values to in the epilogue, and tCrC
is the register-backed tensor created to hold these values as they are computed in the mainloop. The (MMA,MMA_M,MMA_N)
shapes of these tensors can be interpreted as follows: in the MMA atom’s MxN=64x64
output tile, each of the 128 threads holds 32=2*2*8
values, and MMA_M=MMA_N=2
are the same as for tCsA
and tCsB
Each thread holds its 32 values of the atom in a way that necessitates factoring 32 as (2,2,8) for the shape in order to be able to define the corresponding strides for the layout of tCgC
. The specific partitioning pattern can be read off from this picture taken from the PTX documentation:

This illustrates the replicated Z-pattern in which a thread’s 32 values are held. For example, thread 0 holds the values at (0,0), (0,1), (8,0), (8,1) and repeated every 8 columns to the right.
The gemm call, revisited
Let’s return to line 25 of the kernel code snippet above:
// (V,M,K) x (V,N,K) => (V,M,N)
cute::gemm(tiled_mma, tCrA(_,_,_,read_pipe), tCrB(_,_,_,read_pipe), tCrC);
The various overloads of the cute::gemm
method serve to first loop over the outer modes MMA_M/N
and MMA_K
. Once those coordinates are chosen, we’re just computing with the MMA atom tile shape. Put another way, we first reduce to the overload of cute::gemm
for the dispatch shape (V)x(V)=>(V)
The code then invokes the fma
operation of the MMA atom (precisely, within the mma_unpack method). This contains the inline PTX assembly:
CUTE_HOST_DEVICE static void
fma(uint64_t const& desc_a,
uint64_t const& desc_b,
uint32_t& d00, uint32_t& d01, uint32_t& d02, uint32_t& d03,
uint32_t& d04, uint32_t& d05, uint32_t& d06, uint32_t& d07,
uint32_t& d08, uint32_t& d09, uint32_t& d10, uint32_t& d11,
uint32_t& d12, uint32_t& d13, uint32_t& d14, uint32_t& d15,
GMMA::ScaleOut const scale_D = GMMA::ScaleOut::One)
asm volatile(
".reg .pred p;\n"
" p, %18, 0;\n"
"wgmma.mma_async.sync.aligned.m64n64k16.f16.f16.f16 "
"{%0, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, "
" %8, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13, %14, %15},"
" %16,"
" %17,"
" p, %19, %20, %21, %22;\n"
: "+r"(d00), "+r"(d01), "+r"(d02), "+r"(d03),
"+r"(d04), "+r"(d05), "+r"(d06), "+r"(d07),
"+r"(d08), "+r"(d09), "+r"(d10), "+r"(d11),
"+r"(d12), "+r"(d13), "+r"(d14), "+r"(d15)
: "l"(desc_a),
"Attempting to use SM90_64x64x16_F16F16F16_SS "
The corresponding PTX documentation for this syntax is here. Consistent with the descriptions of the tensors tCrA
, tCrB
, and tCrC
above, observe that we have the uint64
variables desc_a
and desc_b
for the operands along with 16 uint32
variables for the accumulator. scale_D
is either 0
or 1
, and controls whether or not the accumulator is zero-initialized.
In addition, the variables scaleA
, scaleB
, tnspA
, tnspB
are determined at compile-time outside the fma
method via template parameters. scaleA
and scaleB
are either 1 or -1 for negating the operand, while tnspA
and tnspB
indicate whether to transpose the operand, and are 0 or 1 for GMMA::Major::K
or GMMA::Major::MN
, respectively.
Synchronization for WGMMA
It remains to explain the synchronization primitives surrounding the cute::gemm
cute::gemm(tiled_mma, tCrA(_,_,_,read_pipe), tCrB(_,_,_,read_pipe), tCrC);
Why are these additional commands necessary at all? They have to do with wgmma
‘s nature as an asynchronous instruction. In the context of the Hopper architecture, asynchronous indicates that wgmma
can run concurrently with other operations, hence necessitating a synchronization mechanism for dependent steps. This mechanism is elaborated upon in the PTX memory consistency model. Improper synchronization in code can result in (a) subtle race conditions, leading to challenging bugs, (b) the compiler serializing the wgmma
instructions, which can cause significant performance degradation, or (c) undefined behavior.
The highlighted cute
methods wrap the following PTX instructions:
—wgmma.wait_group.sync.aligned N
(Note that we’ve been using wgmma
as shorthand for wgmma.mma_async
throughout, but in this subsection only we disambiguate this.) Let’s connect the usage of these commands to the following description of WGMMA-based GEMM taken verbatim from the PTX documentation:
- Load matrices
, andD
into registers or into shared memory. - Perform the following
operations to indicate that the register/shared-memory across the warpgroup have been written into.fence.proxy.async
operation to make the generic proxy operations visible to the async proxy.
- Issue the asynchronous matrix multiply and accumulate operations using the
operation on the input matrices. Thewgmma.mma_async
operation is performed in the async proxy. - Create a wgmma-group and commit all the prior outstanding
operations into the group, by usingwgmma.commit_group
operation. - Wait for the completion of the required wgmma-group using
. - Once the wgmma-group completes, all the
operations have been performed and completed.
We explain these points in order. First, a wgmma.fence
instruction ensures that wgmma.mma_async
only accesses certain RMEM addresses after all prior accesses to such addresses have finished. Without the wgmma.fence
, the behavior is undefined. An exception to this rule is that Hopper allows multiple wgmma.mma_async
instructions to be in flight simultaneously. As long as these wgmma.mma_async
instructions have the same accumulator shape, they can share the same accumulator tensor, i.e., write to the same register memory addresses. In that case, a fence is not required. For example, we don’t need to insert a wgmma.fence
within the loop over MMA_K
done as part of the cute::gemm
Just like TMA operations, wgmma.mma_async
is performed in the async proxy. Hence, if operations performed in the generic proxy affect the SMEM read by wgmma.mma_async
, we need to issue fence.proxy.async
. For example, this would be the case if we copied A
and B
into SMEM via ordinary
/ st.shared
operations. Since we use TMA load, we don’t need fence.proxy.async
in our example, and indeed it doesn’t appear in the WGMMA tutorial code or in the mainloop of CUTLASS Hopper GEMM kernels. (To verify this, note that fence.proxy.async
is wrapped by cutlass::arch::fence_view_async_shared()
The wgmma.commit_group
instruction creates a new wgmma-group per warpgroup and batches all prior wgmma.mma_async
instructions initiated by the executing warpgroup but not committed to any wgmma-group into the new wgmma-group. In our example, cute::warpgroup_commit_batch()
batches MMA_M*MMA_N*MMA_K
many wgmma.mma_async
instructions into one wgmma-group.
Finally, the wgmma.wait_group
instruction with argument N
will make the executing thread wait until only N
or fewer of the most recent wgmma-groups are pending and all the prior wgmma-groups committed by the executing threads are complete. In our example, we let N=0
, so the warpgroup simply waits for the completion of the entire wgmma-group before continuing to execute any subsequent instructions.
In situations where the warpgroup has the opportunity to perform independent computation, flexibility with the parameter N
comes in handy. For example, this comes into play with the GEMM-softmax overlapping strategy employed in the design of FlashAttention-3.
WGMMA core matrices
This last section discusses further the layout requirements for tiles of matrices A
and B
loaded into SMEM, supposing that wgmma
sources both of its operands from SMEM. To simplify the discussion, first suppose that A
is row-major and B
is column-major (i.e., both are K
-major). Recall also that the wgmma
instruction’s tile shape MxNxK
is constrained so that M
is 64, K
times the size of the datatype is 32 bytes, and N
is a multiple of 8 running from 8 to 256. To avoid confusion with A
or sA
, let’s notate the WGMMA atom tiles as wA
and wB
The matrices wA
and wB
are divided into a number of smaller matrices called core matrices. Each core matrix has a strided direction and a contiguous direction, such that its length is 8 in the strided direction and 16 bytes in the contiguous direction. Matrix wA
is made up of 8x2
core matrices and Matrix wB
is made up of 2x(N/8)
core matrices. We illustrate a tiling of wA
and wB
by core matrices as follows (with images taken from the PTX documentation):

Layout of wA

Layout of wB
As mentioned above, wgmma
in SS mode requires matrix descriptors for both wA
) and wB
) as inputs. This descriptor encodes five parameters:
- Start address: starting base address of the operand in SMEM.
- LBO (leading dimension byte offset): the distance, in bytes, between two adjacent core matrices in the
dimension. - SBO (stride dimension byte offset): the distance, in bytes, between two adjacent core matrices in the
dimension. - Swizzling mode: none, 32, 64, or 128 bytes.
- Matrix base offset: This is used to resolve SMEM alignment problems in case SMEM addresses are not aligned to the byte boundary of the repeating pattern for the swizzle mode.
LBO and SBO are indicated in the figures above.
The make_gmma_desc
method in CUTLASS constructs the descriptor (as an instance of GmmaDescriptor
) based on the SMEM tensor’s layout provided as input. Provided that the input tensor’s layout is created using one of the eight canonical GMMA layout atoms and tile_to_shape
, as previously detailed in “SMEM layout constraints for WGMMA”, make_gmma_desc
will accurately calculate the LBO and SBO, determine the swizzling mode, and construct the descriptor. For example, the GmmaDescriptor
describes the following admissible WGMMA layouts in the K
-major case (where T*sizeof(dtype)=16
No swizzle : Swizzle<0,4,3> o smem_ptr o ((8,m),(T,2)):((1T,SBO),(1,LBO))
32-byte swizzle : Swizzle<1,4,3> o smem_ptr o ((8,m),(T,2)):((2T,SBO),(1, T ))
64-byte swizzle : Swizzle<2,4,3> o smem_ptr o ((8,m),(T,2)):((4T,SBO),(1, T ))
128-byte swizzle : Swizzle<3,4,3> o smem_ptr o ((8,m),(T,2)):((8T,SBO),(1, T ))
For the compact layouts produced by the GMMA layout atom => tile_to_shape
pattern (note the GMMA layout K
atoms have a larger K
-mode than the WGMMA atom shape in the case of 64 and 128-byte swizzle!), we have these corresponding values for LBO and SBO:
No swizzle : LBO = 16x8 = 128 bytes. SBO = 32x8 = 256 bytes.
32-byte swizzle : SBO = 32x8 = 256 bytes.
64-byte swizzle : SBO = 64x8 = 512 bytes.
128-byte swizzle : SBO = 128x8 = 1024 bytes.
Most notably, for 64 and 128-byte swizzle, the strides are such that the given admissible WGMMA layouts are not compact. Rather, one has sets of 2 or 4 WGMMA atom operand tiles stacked side-by-side in the K
-direction, resulting in strides of 4T
and 8T
for the core matrix M
-mode. Put another way, when swizzling one interleaves in memory the 2, 4, or 8 core matrices logically adjacent in the K
-mode, and these core matrices will belong to different WGMMA atoms for 64 and 128-byte swizzle.
For the sake of completeness, we also give the admissible WGMMA layouts in the MN
-major case:
No swizzle : Swizzle<0,4,3> o smem_ptr o ((T,1,m),(8,k)):((1,T,SBO),(1T,LBO))
32-byte swizzle : Swizzle<1,4,3> o smem_ptr o ((T,2,m),(8,k)):((1,T,LBO),(2T,SBO))
64-byte swizzle : Swizzle<2,4,3> o smem_ptr o ((T,4,m),(8,k)):((1,T,LBO),(4T,SBO))
128-byte swizzle : Swizzle<3,4,3> o smem_ptr o ((T,8,m),(8,k)):((1,T,LBO),(8T,SBO))
In this [Part 1] of the GEMM series, we have covered the core concepts involved in using WGMMA (warpgroup matrix-multiply and accumulate) as a primitive in Hopper-based GEMM.
WGMMA requires a warpgroup — 128 threads — to collectively execute the matrix multiplication, and can only operate on certain fragments of matrices. We went into the special shapes and layouts involved in this, with an emphasis on how to construct operand layouts guaranteed to be accepted by WGMMA using the canonical GMMA Layout => tile_to_shape
For its usage to be well-defined, WGMMA also requires certain synchronization mechanisms. To this end, we explained the uses of wgmma.fence
, fence.proxy.async
, wgmma.commit_group
and wgmma.wait_group
in relation to wgmma.mma_async
Lastly, we explained in some detail the inner workings of WGMMA core matrices and how CUTLASS constructs matrix descriptors for those operands sourced from SMEM.
Taken as a whole, this blog post should enable the programmer to write CUTLASS kernels on Hopper that use WGMMA. In [Part 2], we will extend this discussion to incorporate TMA, and how to use TMA and WGMMA in tandem in a Hopper GEMM kernel so as to overlap copy and compute.
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