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Tutorial: Python bindings for CUDA libraries in PyTorch

PyTorch today is one of the most popular AI frameworks. Developed by Meta (then Facebook) and open-sourced in 2017, it features approachable, “pythonic” interfaces. This ease-of-use makes it especially potent for research and development, where a researcher might need to go through multiple iterations of novel AI workloads that they are developing. However, developing in pure Python can have some drawbacks as well, with one common and major downside being performance. Python often is slower than languages like C++, and this is especially pronounced if the Python code does not leverage GPU hardware acceleration at all or only in a naive way (e.g., not targeting any special characteristics of a particular GPU architecture for optimization purposes).

In order to take full advantage of code optimizations for NVIDIA® GPUs from PyTorch, one of the easiest methods is to have PyTorch call optimized GPU-accelerated libraries. While PyTorch already does this for many common AI workloads, not all workloads are integrated. And for some workloads, there may be CUDA® C++ libraries that offer more performance than what PyTorch uses by default.

Alternatively, a CUDA developer creating a new novel library may want to make it more accessible by porting it to PyTorch. While there are libraries like PyCUDA that make CUDA available from Python, C++ is still the main language for CUDA development. So the CUDA developer might need to bind their C++ function to a Python call that can be used with PyTorch.

The PyTorch website already has a very helpful guide that walks through the process of writing a C++ extension. In this article, we will present some additional and complementary information that we found to be useful when working with CUDA and CUDA libraries such as CUTLASS. By way of explanation, we will go over an example C++ extension for PyTorch that uses NVIDIA’s CUTLASS library to do GEneral Matrix Multiplication (GEMM). We will model the Python side interface on torch.mm, so that it can be used as a drop-in replacement. Our aim is to create a complete, working example that can be used as a template for future development.

Converting inputs from Torch to CUTLASS

We will base our implementation on the CUTLASS basic_gemm example 0. For those familiar with CUTLASS, note that this example uses the 2.X syntax. We will also have a separate example using 3.X syntax that specifically targets the NVIDIA Hopper architecture in the addendum to this article.

First, to simplify let’s take that example and wrap it in a single function call:

template<typename DataType, typename OutputType>
void cutlass_gemm_wrapper(int M, int N, int K,
                          DataType const* ptrA, 
                          DataType const* ptrB,
                          OutputType* ptrC);

We will then focus our attention on getting the arguments that we need for this call. Specifically, we need three things:

  1. The shape of the tensors,
  2. The data type of the tensors, and
  3. The pointer to the data.

Our goal is to create a function that takes inputs from PyTorch, extracts the above information, and calls the CUTLASS wrapper function.

Input Torch Tensors

The input arguments for our new function cutlass_gemm will be in the form of the torch::Tensor class, which is the C++ representation of the torch.Tensor class in Python. For instance, the function could have signature:

torch::Tensor cutlass_gemm(torch::Tensor A, torch::Tensor B, torch::Tensor C)

Note that in the above code, the matrix C is left as a required argument even though it is optional for mm. We will fix this in a later section. 

Tensor Shapes

In order to extract the data we need for the GEMM, we can leverage the PyTorch ATen API. To start, we can get the shapes of the tensors using the .sizes() method:

auto A_shape = A.sizes();

This returns an array (specifically, Torch’s IntArrayRef) that contains the shape of the tensor.

Tensor Data Type

Next we have the data type. Torch tensors have multiple possible data types that can be recovered using the .dtype() method:

auto A_type = A.dtype();

This can then be compared to the Torch data types:

bool is_half = (A.dtype() == torch::kHalf);

The full list of the different data types can be found here.

Tensor Data Pointers

Finally, we can extract the pointer to the data using the .data_ptr() method of the tensors:

float* A_ptr = A.data_ptr<float>();

Here the .data_ptr() is templated, allowing the developer to cast the returned pointer to the data type of their choice. Note that this templating is sufficient if your application only handles default data types, but it doesn’t support custom data types. For example, in CUTLASS the FP16 data type is cutlass::half_t, while the corresponding FP16 data type for which .data_ptr() is templated is torch::kFloat16.

So instead of the templating, we use reinterpret_cast to convert to the data type we need:

float* A_ptr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(a.data_ptr());

For our example, we will have CUTLASS use whatever data type the user inputted. So we can use the datatype we found in the previous step to cast to the correct precision. To do this we put the reinterpret_cast inside an intermediate function and use C++ templates to pass the datatype.

template<typename DataType, typename OutputType>
void cutlass_gemm_unpack(torch::Tensor A, torch::Tensor B, torch::Tensor C) {
  // Get data sizes
  const int M = A.sizes()[0];
  const int K = B.sizes()[0];
  const int N = B.sizes()[1];

  // Casting to the data type of the input tensor
  DataType const *ptrA = reinterpret_cast<DataType*>(A.data_ptr());
  DataType const *ptrB = reinterpret_cast<DataType*>(B.data_ptr());
  DataType *ptrC = reinterpret_cast<OutputType*>(C.data_ptr());
  cutlass_gemm_wrapper<DataType, OutputType>(M, N, K, ptrA, ptrB, ptrC);

Note that template parameters are resolved at compile-time, but here we need to select the correct template instantiation of cutlass_gemm_unpack based on the data types of A and C, which we know at run-time. To do this, we can introduce some conditional logic, for example like so:

if(A.dtype() == torch::kFloat16 && C.dtype() == torch::kFloat32)
    cutlass_gemm_unpack<cutlass::half_t,float>(A, B, C);
// ...

Actually, we don’t quite write the code in this way. We will exhibit the complete program further down after discussing a few more important points.

Input validation

Now that we have our input and information on them, let’s check that they are valid inputs. With access to tensor shapes and data types, some of the more trivial checks (e.g., compatible dimensions for matrix multiplications) should be self explanatory. So we will focus on topics more specific to Torch and CUTLASS.

One restriction that CUTLASS puts on matrix multiplication is that it must be contiguous, meaning that adjacent elements are also adjacent in memory. As PyTorch tensors are row-major, a contiguous tensor is one where elements in the same row and adjacent column are next to each other in memory. We can check if a tensor is contiguous with .is_contiguous() method.

bool a_contiguous = A.is_contiguous();

If a tensor is not contiguous, they can be made contiguous using the .contiguous() method.

torch::Tensor _A = A.contiguous();

This method simply returns the original tensor if it is already contiguous. However, it creates a new contiguous tensor if it is not. This is not an issue for input matrices A and B, but for C matrix this is an issue because torch.mm supports in-place operation. So for the C matrix, we will copy the data back if necessary with .copy_().

torch::Tensor _C = C.contiguous();

// ... GEMM operation ... //
return C

Another restriction is that the data must be on the GPU device. We can check this easily with:

bool is_cuda = A.device().is_cuda();

Our library is only built for the GPU. If the data had to be allocated on the host, we move it to the device in Python by using the .to() method. While it is possible to automatically move the data to the device using .to() in C++, this behavior is inconsistent with most other PyTorch functions, so we will instead throw an error if device is not GPU.

Making C optional

Like PyTorch’s mm, our function will return the C tensor back to PyTorch to be used there. We also need to update the function arguments to mark C as being optional. The Torch C++ API provides a utility c10::optional<torch::Tensor> in order to specify the Tensor argument as optional. With this, we can check if the input was provided with the .has_value() method. If this returns true, we can then get the value with .value() method.

If .has_value() returns false, then we need to create a new tensor. ATen has many options for creating a tensor, which are documented here. For our purposes, we just need an empty tensor. Combined, we get:

torch::Tensor cutlass_gemm(torch::Tensor A, torch::Tensor B, c10::optional<torch::Tensor> out) { 

  // Handling the optional C matrix
  torch::Tensor C;
  if(out.has_value()) {  // Output tensor was provided. So we will use it.
    C = out.value();
  } else {               // Output tensor was not provided. Creating an empty tensor.
    const int M = A.sizes()[0];
    const int N = B.sizes()[1];

    // We will allocate the matrix on GPU and set the datatype to be the same as the input
    auto c_options = torch::TensorOptions().device(torch::kCUDA).dtype(A.dtype());
    C = torch::empty({M, N}, c_options);

  // ... Rest of the GEMM workload ...//

When creating a new matrix, we set the options to set the device to GPU and the data type to be the same as the input Tensor. It is recommended to use ATen library when creating new Tensors. Although it is possible to create a new torch::Tensor from an existing pointer to data, this will mean that ATen does not own the data. This can limit certain operations like resizing once the Tensor is passed back to Python. So while CUTLASS has special allocators like HostTensor, we will not be using them.

Putting it together

Finally, putting everything together we have:

template<typename DataType, typename OutputType>
void cutlass_gemm_unpack(torch::Tensor A, torch::Tensor B, torch::Tensor C) {
  // Get data sizes
  const int M = A.sizes()[0];
  const int K = B.sizes()[0];
  const int N = B.sizes()[1];

  // Casting to the data type of the input tensor
  DataType const *ptrA = reinterpret_cast<DataType*>(A.data_ptr());
  DataType const *ptrB = reinterpret_cast<DataType*>(B.data_ptr());
  DataType *ptrC = reinterpret_cast<OutputType*>(C.data_ptr());
  cutlass_gemm_wrapper<DataType, OutputType>(M, N, K, ptrA, ptrB, ptrC);

// Intermediate function to get the output precision to use for the wrapper template. 
template<typename DataType>
void cutlass_gemm_find_output_type(torch::Tensor A, torch::Tensor B, torch::Tensor C) {
  if(C.dtype() == torch::kFloat16)
    cutlass_gemm_unpack<DataType, cutlass::half_t>(A, B, C);
  else if(C.dtype() == torch::kFloat32)
    cutlass_gemm_unpack<DataType, float>(A, B, C);
    throw std::invalid_argument("Unsupported precision type");

// This function is bound to "cutlass_gemm.mm". Takes torch::Tensors as inputs
torch::Tensor cutlass_gemm(torch::Tensor A,  // A matrix (m x k)
                           torch::Tensor B,  // B matrix (k x n)
                           c10::optional<torch::Tensor> out) {  // optional out matrix (m x n)
  // Handling the optional C matrix
  torch::Tensor C;
  if(out.has_value()) {  // Output tensor was provided. So we will use it.
    C = out.value();
  } else {               // Output tensor was not provided. Creating an empty tensor.
    const int M = A.sizes()[0];
    const int N = B.sizes()[1];
    // We will allocate the matrix on GPU and set the datatype to be the same as the input
    auto c_options = torch::TensorOptions().device(torch::kCUDA).dtype(A.dtype());
    C = torch::empty({M, N}, c_options);

  // Check that all tensors are allocated on GPU device.
  if(!(A.device().is_cuda() && B.device().is_cuda() && C.device().is_cuda()))
    throw std::invalid_argument("cutlass_gemm only supports GPU device.
                                 Use .to(device=torch.device('cuda'))");

  // Ensuring that the matrices are contiguous. 
  torch::Tensor _A = A.contiguous();
  torch::Tensor _B = B.contiguous();
  torch::Tensor _C = C.contiguous();

  // Select the CUTLASS precision type to use based on Torch input data type.
  if(A.dtype() == torch::kFloat16)
    cutlass_gemm_find_output_type<cutlass::half_t>(_A, _B, _C);
  else if(A.dtype() == torch::kFloat32)
    cutlass_gemm_find_output_type<float>(_A, _B, _C);
    throw std::invalid_argument("Unsupported precision type");

  // If C was not contiguous, C != _C so copy the result back into C

  // Return the Torch tensor back to PyTorch
  return C;

In this code, we took an ad-hoc approach to the conditional logic needed for dispatching to the appropriate templated function based on the data types of A and C. Clearly, this wouldn’t scale well to a large number of template parameters. For an example of how you can use a Python script to handle writing a wrapper for highly templated C++/CUDA functions like those in CUTLASS, we suggest looking at the _python_gemm method and the EmitGemmUniversalInstance3x class in the CUTLASS library.

Binding and Compiling

Now that we have our function, let’s compile it and bind it to a Python function. We will be using PyBind11 in combination with setuptools to do this step. Rather than aim for a comprehensive discussion of these tools, we will only go over what is directly relevant to us.


The binding for our function is:

        py::overload_cast<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor, c10::optional<torch::Tensor>>(
        py::arg("out") = py::none());

We also specify the third argument as a keyword argument “out”, in keeping with torch.mm, and set it to default to Python None.


Unfortunately, out of the box setuptools does not support nvcc, the CUDA compiler. While there is a workaround, it can be rather complex. Fortunately, PyTorch comes with a utility called CUDAExtension that can compile CUDA code.

from setuptools import setup
from torch.utils.cpp_extension import BuildExtension, CUDAExtension

### ... set up lists cutlass_include_dirs, nvcc_flags, and ld_flags ... ###
                      extra_compile_args={'nvcc': nvcc_flags},
    cmdclass={'build_ext': BuildExtension})

The syntax for the arguments is identical to the base Extension class. However, it will automatically add all the necessary flags for the Torch library. So the only thing for us is to add the path for CUTLASS. And because CUTLASS is a header-only library, we just need to set the include_dir. Once you run the setup.py, we now have our new module cutlass_gemm accessible from our PyTorch code. 

Calling our new mm with PyTorch

Here is a simple PyTorch script that does CUTLASS GEMM using our new function.

import math
import cutlass_gemm

M = K = N = 4096
cuda = torch.device('cuda')
A = torch.normal(0,1,size=(M, K)).to(device=cuda).to(dtype=torch.float16)/math.sqrt(K)
B = torch.normal(0,1,size=(K, N)).to(device=cuda).to(dtype=torch.float16)/math.sqrt(K)

C1 = cutlass_gemm.mm(A,B)
print("cutlass_gemm.mm result:")

C2 = torch.mm(A,B)
print("torch.mm result:")
print("max deviation: {:.10f}".format(torch.max(torch.abs(C2-C1))))

We specify .to(device=cuda) to make A and B be accessible to the GPU, and we use FP16 precision for the two matrices. Furthermore, we have a validation step against torch.mm that shows the maximum deviation from the Torch version.

cutlass_gemm.mm result:
tensor([[-0.0045, -0.0139,  0.0109,  ...,  0.0192, -0.0117,  0.0083],
        [ 0.0110,  0.0005, -0.0079,  ...,  0.0106, -0.0012, -0.0083]],
       device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float16)

torch.mm result:
tensor([[-0.0045, -0.0139,  0.0109,  ...,  0.0192, -0.0117,  0.0083],
        [ 0.0110,  0.0005, -0.0079,  ...,  0.0106, -0.0012, -0.0083]],
       device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float16)

max deviation: 0.0000610352

Here we can see that the resultant matrix is in fact using the FP16 precision format, and we are getting the same result (within epsilon) to torch.mm. So now we can use this optimized GEMM in place of torch.mm.

Code download

The source code for the full example can be found on the Colfax Research github.

Addendum A: AMP support

PyTorch has a feature called Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP) that can be used to simplify mixed precision workload. It revolves around the autocast context, inside which operations automatically use lower precision when appropriate. This can lead to significant performance improvements.

Our example does not support this feature, however you can find more information on AMP support in C++ packages here.

Addendum B: CUTLASS 3.X and Hopper Architecture

As mentioned earlier, the above example uses the 2.X syntax for CUTLASS. On our repository, we have also provided a CUTLASS 3.X example based on the hopper_warp_specialized_gemm example 48. However, within the scope of this article there isn’t a difference between what is needed for 2.X and 3.X CUTLASS. Our 3.X example still wraps all the CUTLASS code in the wrapper function. For more on CUTLASS 3.X and how to optimize for a specific architecture, refer to the CUTLASS documentation.

Addendum C: Build backends

In this article, our focus was on writing an extension that can be used with PyTorch. To this end, we used setuptools as the build backend in conjunction with PyTorch’s CUDAExtension utility class. However this adds PyTorch as a dependency for our extension, which may not be ideal if the extension was not being developed for PyTorch. It is possible to use setuptools without having to rely on CUDAExtension.  For an example, see the python installation for CUTLASS.

In addition, there are other build backends that are compatible with nvcc that can be used to create C/C++ based Python extensions. For example, scikit-build-core is a cmake based backend that can be used in place of setuptools. There is a guide for using nvcc in cmake on the Nvidia developer forums.

As a final note, build backends are typically specified in the pyproject.toml files that are then used by python packaging software. Details on pyproject.toml and its usage can be found here.

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